Laman Seni 7 @ Shah Alam

11:23 AM Felicia Grace 0 Comments

Well well well, apart from food, I went to this place!
It is spectacular and I am amazed of what Malaysian artists can do.
I'm not gonna write much about each picture, will let it do all the talking.
As they say, picture tells a thousand words.

Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La of the day.

A moment of silence for those who were missing.

Snakes and Ladders anyone?

They even paint out the shadows, those are not the shadows from the sun.
Amazing isn't it?

I personally loved this shot.
It was random taking this picture and I didn't know my camera can do such thing hah.

When we were there, they were still painting.
At least we get to see how its done.

It's fascinating to see how talented Malaysians actually are.
Something really different, don't you think?
Pretty cool spot for photographers to take some magnificent shots. 
Support our Malaysian artist alright!!!

Laman Seni 7
Public and Street Art
Address: Seksyen 7, Jalan Plumbun 7/Q7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor.

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